Valve Leak Testing

Flow measurement is used during 100% certification of performance over a valve’s full range of criteria. Each hydraulic component must pass across a test stand of some kind before it is shipped.


Max Precision Flow Meters offers our highest resolution piston meters to improve your leak test performance:

  • P001
    • K-Factor:  12,000 pulses/cc
    • Flow Rate:  0.005 – 200 cc/min
  • P213
    • K-Factor:  1,000 pulses/cc
    • Flow Rate:  0.5 – 1800 cc/min

Viscosity independent K-Factors mean that pulses are registered every 0.0003cc in a P001 and every 0.001 cc in a P213, allowing you to measure leak rate in a fraction of the time.  Combined with high resolution data, a 0.1% repeatability of the meter allows you to reduce test cycles and increase throughput.


  • Shorter leak test cycle times
  • Higher resolution test cycles
  • Clean, highly responsive, signal output provided by advanced transmitter technology

High resolution flow data provide the test stand with more information in a shorter time frame so that leak test criteria may be gathered, verified, and the cycle restarted in the shortest time frame.

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